Directions Of Use

1) Spray ScratchErase Lubricant cleaner on area of scratch and wipe dry with Scratch Erase cloth. Use
only one side of cloth for wiping dry all lubricant/cleaner.

 2) Spray ScratchErase lubricant/cleaner on area of
scratch and wipe dry with Scratch Erase cloth and on yellow pad, keep wet. Rub the scratch in an up and down motion across the scratch 10x with
medium pressure. Clean and wipe again, wet the the brown pad and scratch area and rub pad in a circular
motion 10x keeping medium pressure, slightly higher and lower from previous rubbed area.

3) Spray area and wipe dry. On a dry corner of cloth, Apply Scratch erase Super Polish, about a nickel size,
For 3” scratch, more for bigger scratches. In a circular Motion and with medium pressure, polish entire area
Of the treated area. On the driest side of cloth, buff In a circular, medium pressure until scratch and haze
Are gone, if haze show, repeat brown pad process and #3

Does not work for deep down to surface scratches.

Directions Of Use

1) Spray ScratchErase Lubricant cleaner on area of
scratch and wipe dry with Scratch Erase cloth. Use
only one side of cloth for wiping dry all lubricant/cleaner.

 2) Spray ScratchErase lubricant/cleaner on area of
scratch and wipe dry with Scratch Erase cloth and
on yellow pad, keep wet. Rub the scratch in an up
and down motion across the scratch 10x with
medium pressure. Clean and wipe again, wet the
the brown pad and scratch area and rub pad in a circular
motion 10x keeping medium pressure, slightly higher
and lower from previous rubbed area.

3) Spray area and wipe dry. On a dry corner of cloth,
Apply Scratch erase Super Polish, about a nickel size,
For 3” scratch, more for bigger scratches. In a circular 
Motion and with medium pressure, polish entire area
Of the treated area. On the driest side of cloth, buff
In a circular, medium pressure until scratch and haze
Are gone, if haze show, repeat brown pad process and #3

Does not work for deep down to surface scratches.

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